Recommendable sites related to collecting Danish toy figures.

Figurina Danica - (link outdated) Selskabet for kulturhistoriske Tinfigurer i Danmark. "Figurina Danica er et selskab for aktive hobbyfolk. Selskabets formål er at skabe et forum hvor mennesker med interesse for tinfigurer, legetøjsfigurer og modelfigurer i andet materiale samt tilbehør i form af køretøjer, kampvogne og lign., kan diskutere og udveksle deres erfaringer"


Plastic Warrior - (link outdated) "Plastic Warrior was launched in 1985 as a non-profit making newsletter with the aim of putting plastic soldier collectors in touch with each other. It is now a glossy magazine published six times per year, distributed in 30 different countries around the world, also providing a range of special issues and manufacturers checklists devoted to plastic toy soldiers and model figures".

Recommendable sites for collectors of other kinds of old Danish toys.

Onkel Haralds Tog - Dedicated to this rare wooden train produced from 1940 to 1955. Linking to many sources of related information.

Tekno og Vilmer - (link outdated) Scala & scratchbuilding,  including chapter on Reisler's series of soldiers.


Please submit relevant suggestions to :
Dealers of
Reisler figures, new or second hand, are welcome.


tohan 2006