

Reisler's soldiers came in three series:

Danish soldiers in khaki uniform - start 1952
Negro soldiers in red/blue uniform - start 1952
Soldiers in grey uniform - start 1960

The three series have the same article number for same model except for "N" added to the negro soldiers.
When ordering the toy shops should ad the color to the article reference number.



Colour variations.

  1 - khaki uniform.
2 - red and blue negro soldier.
3 - grey uniform.
- variations:
4 - brown - produced by Reisler in Sweden.
5 -yellow - is a prototype, which was in the hat when the factory decided to replace the political incorrect negro series with a new color. The grey uniform was chosen. It was given to a lucky collector many years ago during a factory visit.

New soldiers:

Three models were added to the series after the switch from hard to soft plastic had taken place.  They are only known in soft plastic, unpainted or in khaki or grey painting. They don't come in the red and blue negro version.
 As there is no doubt now that they were actually made/sold as Reisler figures the three models have been added to all lists on the site as per 29/12-2007. Article numbers are unknown so far.

                                                                The three new soldiers.

Many of the newly produced soldiers have alternative paint schemes  compared to the original ones as seen below. They will not be listed as series unless  it can be documented that they were meant to be such.

                                                     Examples of new paint schemes.


# 1038 -
Recoilless Rifle 75mm
was wrongly described as a 20 mm canon in Reislers original pricelists. The model depicts a 75 mm Recoilless Rifle (probably the US Recoilless Rifle 75mm M20). Maybe the 20 mm derived from "M20".

US Recoilless Rifle 75mm M20 was in service during the Korean War around the time when Timpo started production of their line of lead US soldiers which was later partly to be copied by Reisler. I don't think Timpo actually produced this model though.

If you have any information on the relationship between Timpo and Reisler in this matter please contact me at

Per Finsted, Chakoten, has corrected the mistake and found picture to the right at: