55 mm Reisler figures


Danish soldiers in khaki uniform
Negro soldiers in red and blue uniform
Soldiers in grey uniform

1 Machine gunner
2 Rifleman with hand grenade
3 Crawling rifleman
4 Soldier with field telephone
5 Officer with binoculars
6 Kneeling rifleman
7 Soldier with bazooka
8 Standing rifleman
9 Mortar and crewman
10 Marching rifleman
11 Soldier with Tommy Gun
12 Stretcher carrier
13 Mine detector
14 Guard
15 Wounded soldier
16 Dispatch rider
17 Eating soldier
18 Washing soldier
19 Bayonet charger
20 Officer with gun
21 Stretcher, alone
22 Motorcycle, alone
23 Lying rifleman
24 67 off duty
25 Running rifleman
26 Soldier with barbed wire shears
27 Soldier clubbing with rifle
28 Saluting soldier
29 Soldier with flame thrower
30 Enemy surrendering
31 Wounded soldier with blanket
32 Officer, walking
33 Parachute trooper
34 Machine gunner, lying
701 Walking military nurse
702 Kneeling military nurse with mug
1035 Soldier with rifle-grenade, lying
1036 Soldier at present arms
1037 Soldier with rifle at foot
1038 Soldier with 20 mm canon
1039 20 mm canon, alone
1040 Lying soldier with binoculars
1041 Running hand grenade thrower
New-01 Officer with binoculars
New-02 Soldier with gas mask
New-03 Radio operator
New-04 Soldier w. Sten Gun
250/3007 Battle scenery
251/3006 Red Cross tent in khaki fabric
3001-3003 Bunkers, three sizes
3004-3027 Various battle scenery
see "Kampanlæg og tilbehør" for more.

Naval soldiers - blue
51 Naval officer
52 Naval guard
53 Marching naval soldier
54 Naval soldier firing rifle

Naval soldiers - white
55 Naval officer
56 Naval guard
57 Marching naval soldier
58 Naval soldier firing rifle

Guards, red
40 Officer
41 Drummer
42 Marching guardsman
43 Standard bearer
44 Fifer
45 Musician w/ trombone
46 Musician w/ cymbals
47 Musician w/ bassoon
48 Musician w/ bass drum
49 Musician w/ tuba
50 Musician w/ lyre
651 Guardsman at present arms
652 Guardsman with rifle at foot
653 Drum major
---- Musician w/ trumpet

Guards, blue
140 Officer
141 Drummer
142 Marching guardsman
143 Standard bearer
144 Fifer
145 Musician w/ trombone
146 Musician w/ cymbals
147 Musician w/ bassoon
148 Musician w/ bass drum
149 Musician w/ tuba
150 Musician w/ lyre
151 Guardsman at present arms
152 Guardsman with rifle at foot
153 Drum major
---- Musician w/ trumpet

Guards, Tivoli
340 Officer
341 Drummer
342 Marching guardsman
343 Standard bearer
344 Fifer
345 Musician w/ trombone
346 Musician w/ cymbals
347 Musician w/ bassoon
348 Musician w/ bass drum
349 Musician w/ tuba
350 Musician w/ lyre
351 Guardsman at present arms
352 Guardsman with rifle at foot
353 Drum major
---- Musician w/ trumpet

750 S
entry box


751 Drum major
752 Bagpiper
753 Drummer
754 Walking with rifle at foot

Traffic police
35 Standing traffic policeman
36 Traffic policeman on motorcycle
37 Motorcycle, alone
38 Walking traffic policeman

801 Fire officer
802 Fireman with hose
803 Fireman w/ smoke helmet and axe
804 Fireman w/ smoke helmet and hose
805 Firemen for stretcher
806 Firemen for jumping sheet
807 Jumping sheet, alone
808 Wounded civilian with blanket
809 Fireman with telephone
810 Hydrant

Boy scouts - green
501 Boy scout with axe
502 Boy scout with kettle
503 Boy scout with map
504 Boy scout with patrol flag

Boy scouts - yellow
531 Boy scout with axe
532 Boy scout with kettle
533 Boy scout with map
534 Boy scout with patrol flag

Wolf cubs
561 Running wolf cub w/ flashlight
562 Running wolf cub w/ map
563 Walking wolf cub w/ signal horn
564 Walking wolf cub saluting

Girl scouts (Leaders of wolf cubs)
591 Girl scout with flashlight
592 Girl scout saluting

731 Standing w/ atomic rifle at waist
732 Standing w/ atomic gun
733 Crouching w/. atomic gun
734 Standing leader

3029-3031 Moon craters, three sizes

91 Running chief with tomahawk
92 Running chief with spear
93 Running Indian with club
94 Crawling chief w/ tomahawk
95 Lying chief w/ rifle
96 Standing chief w/ rifle
97 Standing chief w/ bow
98 Lying Indian firing
99 Kneeling Indian with bow
100 Standing chief
101 Standing chief with rifle
102 Kneeling chief with rifle
103 Crawling chief with rifle
104 Running Indian with tomahawk
105 Standing Indian with bow
106 Standing Indian with shield and club
107 Crawling Indian with knife
108 Sitting Indian with pipe of peace
109 Sitting chief with spear
110 Sitting chief with drum
111 Sitting chief with pipe of peace
112 Camp fire with rotating steak
113 Running Indian with spear
114 Running Indian with spear and shield
115 Crawling Indian with rifle
116 Fighting Indian with tomahawk
117 Charging chief with spear and shield
118 Charging chief with tomahawk and shield
119 Totem pole
120 Medicine man


121 Walking cowboy w/ gun
122 Walking cowboy w/ lasso
123 Sheriff with two guns
124 Kneeling cowboy w/ rifle
125 Standing cowboy w/ rifle
126 Lying cowboy firing backwards w/ gun.
127 Fighting cowboy w/ knife
128 Cowboy w/ knife at waist
129 Captured cowboy
130 Masked cowboy w/ two guns
131 Lying cowboy firing rifle
132 Lying cowboy firing guns
133 Standing cowboy w/ lasso
134 Running Davy Crockett w/ rifle
135 Running Davy Crockett w/ tomahawk
136 Kneeling Davy Crockett w/ rifle
137 Kneeling Davy Crockett scouting
138 Sheriff
139 Running with guns
140 Standing rifleman
141 Kneeling rifleman
142 Shooting bank robber
143 Kneeling with guns
144 Bank robber with mail bag

190 Covered wagon
302 Stage coach
5509 Log cabin
5510 Fort

Horses and riders
141 G.41 Indian chief w/ rifle
142 G.42 Sheriff w/ gun
143 G.43 Cowboy, firing rifle
144 G.44 Khaki officer with gun
145 G.45 Negro officer with gun
146 G.46 African w/ fez and sword
147 G.47 Cossack firing rifle
148 G.48 Danish hussar in gala
149 G.49 Danish guard officer in gala - red uniform
150 G.50 Falling Indian w/ knife
151 G.51 Sheriff with lasso
152 G.52 Indian chief w/ lasso
153 G.53 Indian chief w/ shield and tomahawk
154 G.54 Indian chief w/ spear and shield
155 G.55 Cowboy firing backwards w/ gun
156 G.56 Indian, hang. on side of his horse
G 57 Danish guard officer in blue uniform
170 Galloping horse

Reisler Riders
R. 1 Indian w/ bow
R. 2 Indian w/ spear
R. 3 Indian w/ tomahawk
R. 4 Cowboy w/ two guns
R. 5 Cowboy throwing lasso
R. 6 Cowboy throwing knife
R. 7 Zorro with light sword
R. 8 Zorro with lasso
Horse, alone

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
R.9 Canadian policeman w/ flag
R.10 Canadian policeman w/ lasso
R.11 Canadian policeman firing rifle

Camel riders
180 Indian camel rider w/ moustache
181 Egyptian policeman w/ red fez
182 Bedouin with rifle
183 French legionnaire officer
184 Camel with pack
Pack for camels
185 camel alone
186 Arab w/ falcon and rifle
187 Arab w/ falcon and sword
188 Arab with knife and lance
189 Arab with knife and gun
2032 Loose saddle (for camel 2031 in zoo anim.)

Kneeling w/ rifle
Standing w/ rifle
Standing w/ gun
Standing firing gun
(article number unknown)

The Danish farm
191 Lying cow
192 Yoke
193 Goose
194 Gander
195 Sheep dog
196 Duckling
197 Sheaf
198 Farm laborer, driver (sitting)
199 Milk maid
200 Wheel wagon w/ one horse, one driver
201 Work horse - alone
202 Standing cow
203 Grassing cow
204 Standing calf
205 Standing foal
206 Rooster
207 Standing hen
208 Sitting hen
209 Light horse
210 Ram
211 Sheep
212 Lamb
213 Pig
214 Sucking pig
215 Duck
216 Pigeon
217 Trough
218 He goat
219 Cat
220 Hunting dog
221 Farm laborer (able to carry buckets)
222 Bucket
223 Stork
224 Wheel barrow
225 Fence
226 Lying calf
227 Sucking calf
228 Lying foal
229 Standing bull w/ ring in nose
240/230 Farmers wife
231 Girl feeding chickens
232 Laborer w/ tools
233 Charging bull w/ ring in nose
234 Bench
235 Kid
236 Assorted tools
250 One table, two chairs
251 Grassing horse
252 Standing colt (foal)
253 Pig, head turned
254 Lying sow w/ 6 sucking pigs
255 Sitting sucking pig
256 Lying sucking pig
257 Pump
258 Milk can
259 Running horse
260 Walking pony
261 Two colored standing cow
262 Two colored grassing cow

263 Two colored standing calf
264 Two colored lying cow
265 Two colored sucking
266 Driver with whip
267 Farm laborer with scythe
268 Walking work horse
269 Two colored bull standing
270 Two colored bull running
271 Two colored cow lying
272 Fence  - gate  opens
273 Pony foal standing
274 Pony foal lying
275 Alsatian dog
276 Alsatian pup sitting
277 Alsatian dog standing
278 Brown rooster
279 Brown hen standing
280 Brown hen lying
281 Standing sow
282 Hog
283 Eating sucking pig
284 Standing sucking pig
285 Sitting rabbit with acorn
286 Sitting rabbit alert
287 Lying rabbit
288 Running rabbit
289 Poodle
290 Dachshund
291 Jersey cow
292 Jersey bull
293 Jersey calf, head turned
294 Jersey calf, scratching its ear
295 Two colored cow
296 Two colored bull
297 Two colored calf, head turned
298 Two colored calf, scratching its ear
299 Turkey
300 Pony chaise
301 Modern wagon with standing driver

5502 Farm - one wing
5503 Farm - three wings
5505 Large farm
5506 Small farm
5508 Farm - two wings

2001 Giraffe
2002 Tiger
2003 Rhino
2004 Polar bear (walking)
2005 Kangaroo
2006 Gorilla
2007 Male lion
2008 Crocodile
2009 Panther
2010 Bison
2011 African elephant
2012 Turtle
2013 Baboon
2014 Young elephant
2015 Giraffe foal
2016 Brown bear, walking
2017 Brown bear, standing
2018 Brown bear cub, standing
2019 Polar bear, standing
2020 Polar bear cub, standing
2021 Hippo
2022 Fawn
2023 Zebra
2024 Golden eagle w/ fox cub in claws
2025 Squirrel and young squirrel
2026 Lioness, Lying
2027 Lion cub, walking
2028 Lion cub, sitting
2029 Stag
2030 Standing camel, two humps
2031 Running dromedary, one hump
2032 Zoo fence, brown or grey
2033 Fox
2034 Deer
2035 Sea lion
2036 Penguin
2037 Young rhino
2038 Zoo entrance gate
2039 Leopard on log
2040 Elk bull
2041 Rounded zoo fence, brown or grey
2042 Panther on log
2043 Ostrich
2044 Cobra
2045 Chimpanzee, adult
2046 Young chimpanzee, standing
2047 Young chimpanzee, sitting
2048 Tiger cub, walking
2049 Tiger cub, sitting
2050 Male lion, standing
2051 Donkey, standing
2052 Donkey foal, standing
2053 Tiger on log
2054 Panther cub, walking
2055 Panther cub, sitting
2056 Wolf

3005 Animal cave
5507 Animal house
5508 Large animal house w/ bar cages
5509 Large animal house w/ pointed roof
5513 Small animal house w/ bar cages
5514 Small animal house w/ pointed roof

The listing can easily be copied completely
or partly in order to register collections.
Descriptions translated true to their original
appearances in catalogues and pricelists of
the 1950's.